Time, Space, Form and Perpetual Motion are the tools needed to create a graphic and poetic language. You have to be in contact with the world, aware of its sufferings, study the arts, music and poetry, be open to others and all these experiences will inspire your way of dancing. The richer your life, the richer your dance will be. An artist must have just one obsession in life: to touch people’s souls and reveal the share of poetry within them. 
This search for the invisible will help you rise up. We dancers, we steal moments of grace from the universe. 

Carolyn Carlson

La masterclass si rivolge a danzatrici e danzatori professionisti e offre 4 ore di pratica assieme a Carolyn Carlson.
È prevista una pausa pranzo.

Per partecipare è necessario compilare il modulo Google al link sottostante.
La candidatura sarà sottoposta a una selezione da parte del team di youTHeater in accordo con la Carolyn Carlson Company.